iC-Access: Accessing campscapes

iC-access is a HERA funded project (2016-2019 Humanities European Research Area) meant to open global reflections on the past towards a more inclusive awareness of interdependencies, exchanges and communication of historical interpretations and memorial practices in the 20th century. see more at http://www.campscapes.org/

The consortium members are:

  • University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Freie Universität Berlin, Germany
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
  • Staffordshire University, United Kingdom
  • University of West-Bohemia, Czech Republic
  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain


Here Space of Memory: Blog by Paul Verschure

1389.2 Holocaust B“Wir wissen nur dass wenn wir hier rauskommen, das wir alles dass wir hier erlebt haben in die Welt hinaus schreien müssen, anders kann man nicht leben”

“We only know that when we get out of here, we must shout out into the world about everything that we have experienced here. Otherwise one cannot live.”

These are the words of Charlotte Grunow recorded on April 20, 1945 by BBC reporter Patrick Gordon Walker.

photo: Soon after liberation, camp survivors await their ration of potato soup. Bergen-Belsen, Germany, April 28, 1945. US Holocaust Memorial Museum

Read more at Here Space of Memory: Conserving, Presenting and Elaborating the Memory of the Holocaust and Nazi crimes

Blog by Paul Verschure, published by the European Commission blog, DAE

Der Tages Spiegel

The British Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip visit the former Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

During her visit to the Bergen Belsen Memorial, she listened while Prof. Paul Verschure (SPECS-lab, ICREA, Barcelona) demonstrated an app that shows what the concentration camp once looked like.

Queen Elisabeth

see more at Der Tages Spiegel